There are two ongoing media stories at the moment about integrity in public life. Mit Romney in the USA has been exposed this week at a briefing to rich donors to his party. His video comments reveal what he really thinks about the voters and how he is likely to serve the rich in preference to the poor. No surprises there I can almost hear you say.
The other story is about "thrasher" Mitchell who seems have treated the Police on duty at Downing St with utter contempt. It appears of course that he is suffering a superiority complex.
Both were speaking away from the public forum and didn't expect media attention.
These have set me thinking about the problem we all have between what we profess and what we do. To those who follow Christ there are instructions! These should guide us and challenge us to gradually change.
I called this blog "High Fidelity" because we are called to fidelity or faithfulness to God's plan. God doesn't have favourites. The poor are just as important to him as the rich. The Lord hears the "cry of the poor" and of the 'broken hearted" and that is how we should be too.
God wants us to be deeply anchored in what is good. We need to keep that thought in our head. To try and let his goodness invade and change our heart. It isn't easy and we must be realistic about it and acknowledge that we will fail. But Christianity allows us to live beyond failure - by holding onto good we see beyond our failures and acknowledge that the human heart is born to be noble. The good in people generally outweighs the evil that they do. As it says in John's gospel "the light is stronger than the darkness."
Of course we can never condone or excuse sin in ourselves or others. In ourselves we need to bring it to the light and change.
We are however still called to love the person who sins. We can love them without condoning or agreeing to their sin.
Our sincere love needs to avoid self congratulation. We need purity of intention. Sometimes we are the only people aware of our hidden sin which needs to be brought before the Lord, asking his mercy and forgiveness.
For Reflection
- "As water reflects a face, so one's life reflects the heart" Proverbs 19 NIV
- "God is near us whenever we pray to him" Deuteronomy 4 NIV
- "When you reap the harvest of your land do not reap to the extreme limits of your field or gather the gleanings after your harvest. 10 Do not strip your vineyard bare and do not gather the grapes that have fallen; leave them for the needy and the stranger. I am Yahweh, your God" Leviticus 19 Christian Community Bible
Dear Lord, you search me and you know me, your love is greater than anything I can imagine. I ask you again into in my life. Help me to commit to you. Help me to allow your love to change my heart and renew my spirit this day. Amen
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