Sunday, 29 July 2012

Live by the Spirit (4) Asking

This weeks focus is on "Asking the Holy Spirit what he wants you to do today, sometimes it is only one thing - the Spirit rarely overwhelms us with demands"

It seems novel doesn't it? To Live by the Spirit you listen to it. So why do I find it hard to say to God - “send your Holy Spirit” or “Speak Lord your servant is listening?”

But remember "To be controlled by human nature results in death; to be controlled by the Spirit results in life and peace." Romans 8.6

Perhaps the answer is in conquering our human nature. Again I would say this is not about turning our lives into a joyless dry landscape. The fruits of the Spirit are love, peace and joy. So it stands to reason that when we live more by the Spirit we have more and more of these things in our life. But in order to get to that stage we need to take instructions "to develop a listening ear" for the sweet sound of the Lord's voice on our life saying "this is the way walk in it." With the London 2012 Olympics playing out on our TV screens at present it is easy to draw the comparison to the training of athletes. Listening to an interview yesterday I heard described the training regime of a medal winner in swimming. In order to win you need to get in the water daily.... I would say to you "wade in the Spirit's water daily."

So in your prayer time pause and let the Spirits voice find it's way to you in the peace. Give up the idea that the dialogue with God can happen in a five minute slot that you assign to him first thing in the morning before you brush your teeth! Our God is a very demanding lover and wants more of you than that. What you need to do is give in! Let him have a say in your life - no longer block him out. To block out is from your human nature and is a way of holding God at arm's length so that he cannot influence you with his contagious loving kindness.

Of course we need to discern the Spirit's voice when we hear it. But if it is saying things that ask you to be loving, compassionate, or a builder of relationships then you must be hearing the voice of our God who saves. The one who builds and never diminishes us. The Spirit will never ask us to break or destroy, that voice is the deceiver's voice and the deceiver wants the opposite of what God wants.

You might say how will I know if I get it right? The answer is in the doing. If God tells you to phone a friend and listen to them for half an hour. If you obey and get it wrong God will still honour the fact that you obeyed.

I had the honour of meeting a sweet Benedictine monk once. His name was Fr Ian Petit and he was one of the pioneers of the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church. He was such a kind man. He was fond of reminding us that the scripture doesn't say  "listen Lord your servant is speaking" it says "speak Lord your servant is listening."

We need to dare to believe that God has a purpose and a plan for our lives. That he wants more of us than what we currently give. That he will bless us when we take steps in faith. We need to dare to believe in the loving kindness of "the heart of our God" and let it influence our actions. You can do no wrong by trying to bless another person's life if you do it with kindness and grace.

We are all fellow pilgrims on a journey into the heart of God. I pray that I can remember that. Pilgrims share the good things that they have with others on the journey and don't hide their bread from one another.

Dear Lord, let me listen to your voice. Send again your Holy Spirit to my life, renewing it and refreshing it. Let me be gentle. Amen


  1. please who are you ?

    1. Hi, in response to the previous comment - my name is Simon and I live in Ipswich, Suffolk. I can be contacted on if you have a specific enquiry.
