Today I learnt that I take about 17,000 breaths a day. Most of those breaths are taken unconsciously. Breath in, breath out happens without me being particularly aware of it. The body is a strange and wonderful thing. The design or thoughtfulness of its construction is amazing. I came into the world over 61 years ago. Naked, probably crying I came. Somehow expelled from a womb where I hadn't been breathing air. Umbilical cord broken and then the shock of breathing in the new air of life. Ever since then, breath in, breath out.
Since then I have acquired possessions, which I have either lost again or worn out. Or disliked and thrown away. I don't currently own any possessions that I had on the day of my birth. Apart that is my body. If indeed you own your body or consciousness. Is it a gift or on loan? My mother and father should know but neither can I ask today.
Since then I have loved and lost. Lost and loved, many people. Lived many places. All the time, breath in, breath out. Heart beating. Some people I have been friends with and loved a very long time. My sisters have known me the longest.
I feel I must have had a creator. My mother and father co-operative with God's materials brought me into being. As I said all the stuff or the possessions that were man-made have passed. The constant is a body that grew cell upon cell in my mother's womb. Heart beating.
Breath of God, breathe on me. These morning thoughts are bringing me to knowledge of how fragile and precious our life is. And yet my breathing is happening as I write without my conscious intervention.
Dear God, I thank you for the gift of my life and my love. Help me to renew my commitment to live, to live in love and to the fullest. Breath of God, breathe on me and the town where I live. Send your creative Holy Spirit to make us more for you and your kingdom. Amen