Protect me, dear Lord!
My boat is so small,
And your sea is so big
(Bretton fisherman's prayer)
The above is one of my favourite prayers. I am fond of the short ones that go straight to the heart of the matter.
Debs and I watched Fiddler on the Roof last Sunday. A film that always moves me. The final scene is a definite "ending" as all the lead characters of the film have been driven out of their village. They are leaving mainly on foot. Finally, Terkel looks back and sees the Fiddler playing his tune on the road behind him...
As I watched that ending, this time, a fleeting thought went through my head, how lucky am I that I have never had to journey at short notice into the unknown. Travelling with only that which I could carry.
To be a stranger in a strange land, as Moses was, as so many people are (even now), is a vulnerable scary thing. When we travel we rely so often on strangers. Dependant on their goodwill and hoping to God that they will not show us ill will. Fear is something that people have to deal with. Hope is something that they definitely need to hold onto.
The only way to cope with change is to embrace it. I know it's not easy.
People sometimes have said to me "it's easier for you because you have faith" - it doesn't feel easier but maybe it actually is!
However, even though brought up in a Christian church, I don't consider that I really believed in God until I was given the gift of faith. Yes I do mean given! As in getting a present from someone. I remember someone praying for me, saying "please give Simon the gift of faith"
So I see faith as within God's gifting to give somebody. We need to be bold enough to recognise this. And to ask. A relationship with God is possible.
If we are facing uncertainty then that is the time to ask, to even plead with God. God is our rock and our stronghold, he gives us peace and hope in times of difficulty. Step up to meet him. Be the one to move towards him. As it says in the scripture "when you seek him, when you seek him with all your heart, then you will find him"
Dear Jesus, I pray that I may come to know you. Please increase the gift of faith within me. Bless me today and always. Amen