Monday, 10 June 2013

Marsh Warbler

Let me tell you about the Marsh Warbler. John and I were on one of our birding trips and we were going down one of the less trodden paths on the reserve. Something made us stop and take note. From one bush was coming all this bird song... A seemingly impossible amount of birds in the reed bed. It took us a while to understand what was going on. One bird, a little Marsh Warbler, was mimicking the voice of other birds. John counted that it was imitating eight other identifiable bird songs as well as it's own. But amongst this amazingly there was unidentifiable song too. Possibly from Africa.

We were on this spot for about an hour and half. Listening and enjoying the performance but also trying to see the bird itself. We were finding it impossible to get a clear view of this rare little fellow. Eventually, in desperation I said a little prayer along the lines of "I don't deserve this Lord but please let us see him" - shortly after a chaffinch came in and dive bombed the Marsh Warbler and it broke cover and sat on a branch for a short while singing his heart out. Enough time for us to confirm identification. Then he disappeared. Great joy!

On the way home we were chatting. We were saying persistence and patience had paid off. We were on that spot for quite a while, at least an hour and a half, and got passed by a few other birders. Me being me said to John, prayer is like that. We sometimes give in too quickly. We don't spend enough time waiting for the Lord to show himself like that. It's true we need persistence and patience in prayer too. And humility is a factor, honest humility, God is good, bigger and better than us. When we acknowledge him as father he will bless us.

The other thing that struck me is, like the Marsh Warbler we disguise our real voices sometimes. To hide maybe, or to protect ourselves, but we should really allow our real voice to be heard. I wanted to hear the real song of the Marsh Warbler too. I am not sure I ever did. God wants our real voice in prayer. We need to be vulnerable to God. It is Yahweh who is - I am not the great "I am" God is the one who deserves to be honoured.

Dear Lord, thank you for our everyday lives. We thank you that you are the God of both the ordinary and the extraordinary. Bless us please again today. Amen