Yesterday we entered the season of Lent. A period of 40 days and 40 nights where we are traditionally invited to turn back to God and rededicate ourselves to him. The word repent crops up a lot in this season. The origins of the word mean to 'turn around' so you could view the season as one where we turn around our lives so that we may be in a better relationship with God. You could view it as turning to face God. If we are new in faith that might be happening already, if we have been Christians for years we may need to urgently do it because our trajectory needs correcting because our faith has become a routine or because the truth hasn't set us free yet!
I think that the reason they say 40 nights as well as 40 days is because it can be challenging. It can be a night time of the soul if we truly address some of the things that hold us back from being whole.
Some of the biggest things that have happened in my life have been whilst on retreat. I suppose it happens just because you decide to be more open to the Spirit and because God is a God who can surprise us with his love. At times even ambush in the midst of our evil doing! Those are the extremes but one author even called him the 'gentle invader' of our lives. I like that idea. In my life so far he has caught me in all three ways. I wonder how he catches you today? He is a God who brings love, peace and joy. Especially to those who repent and turn back to him.
For reflection:
Amos 5.14
Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the LORD God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts.
It's a powerful passage from one of the prophets so direct cutting right through to the heart of the matter.
Ask yourself do you Seek good?
-bringing it out of yourself
-bringing it out of others
- are you finding good things in the word of God
-seeking the good in creation and working to maintain it
-hungering and thirsting after justice?
Dear Lord, let me find you again. Bless my day and send me an opportunity to be closer to you. Amen